ココロクローバー パート1/Kokoro Clover Part1
Join the Spirit Summoner, Treffy, in this side-scrolling action-platformer in the style of a Sunday morning anime TV show. In part 1, Treffy begins her story with Spirit friends and some clumsy bad guys. Fight using magic and transform using Elemental Spirits in this exciting and comedic adventure!
(machine translation)
Kokoro Clover Part 1 is the first in a series of pixelated side-scrolling “Kokoro Clover” games with a “casual” and “Japanese Sunday morning anime” theme for kids and those who don’t like action.
Play time 40 minutes to 1 hour.
You’ll be able to complete story modes and challenge modes inspired by the atmosphere of “Sunday Morning Anime” while also unlocking unraveling assists, dances and collections.
Opening up is what this game is all about.
You can play it even if you are not good at action.
Number of stories
Kokoro Clover Episode 1 “Treffy the Spirit Master
You can play in the Story Mode, which is based on a 30-minute anime, the Challenge Mode, in which bosses wait for you at the end of the stage, the Library Mode, and the Shop Mode, in which you can collect coins and stickers in the stages.
In the stages, players can use the “transformation” mode to change the attributes and appearance, the “assist” mode to summon friends, and the “dance” mode to perform unique motions at any time to perform bright and free actions.
The game’s style is reminiscent of a Sunday morning cartoon you’ve rented and watched.
Experience the lively and fun atmosphere of pixel graphics!
Keyboard recommended.
Update schedule
Addition of key configuration function
Update History
2020/07/06 Addendum We have temporarily removed the “aerial attack (vertical rotation)” as a countermeasure for the wall-passing bug.
Jul. 09, 2020 Update to include display of boss icons, attributes, and HP in boss battles.
Aug. 29, 2020 Added English translation, added effect for weak point attribute hit, enhanced direction, and other updates.
Oct. 14, 2020 Updated password mode to shop mode.
Nov. 02, 2020 Updated animation to face graphics.
If the game does not start, please try installing the 32bit VC++Runtime.
Steam User 21
I enjoyed the game! It was very cute and fun and quirky. I would say that being able to read Japanese would make this much better. Even without it, it's a pretty solid game. The controls are better for controllers instead of keyboard. I can feel the love put into this game ^U^
Steam User 22
Great spritework, animation, and music, but way too short for the price. Having to manually select each level and cutscene is awkward as hell. Gameplay is janky but functional. Still giving it a thumbs up to support the dev because with polish the next installments can be extremely good.
Steam User 11
I get the vibe this is made by an artist and not a programmer. The art and animations are more than enough to get a recommend. The gameplay doesn't feel good and certain fundamental aspects like freezes brought on by scene transitions and certain animations being uninterruptable make it feel like it was made in some kind of drag and drop program. Also jumping doesn't feel good, like the physics of it feel off.
That being said, the art is beautiful, the story world is cute and somehow reminds me of multiple eras of megaman all at once. having a dance button for no reason is a genuine joy. I'm invested enough to want to see how the other parts build off of it.
There are also small charming intricacies like how the anime opening-esque intro retains chiptune music and even uses character sprites and scenes actually within the game to create its scenes. And how the English version operates as subtitles BELOW the japanese, so it feels more like a translated show rather than a direct game translation. And the translation is surprisingly solid and not only grammatically correct but interspersed with pop culture references. Not in an obnoxious way but more in a way that I could believably see an anime dub nodding to its audience.
It feels weird to recommend a game when you don't like the gameplay but here we are.
Steam User 2
Normally I'd have my reviews broken up in big parts for the good, bad, and neutral on how the game is. This game is a bit too small for that. Soo I'll just keep a small review with it too.
This game doesn't go off on being a long experience and does what it is going for pretty well. Everything is cute and simple, the cutscenes are great, the looks of everything are wonderful, and the music is full of life. That feeling of it being a Sunday/Saturday Cartoon is spot on with how it goofs about with everything.
Controls are different and can't really be changed, making it a bit awkward at first. It can be a bit buggy and sometimes the cutscenes mess up a tiny bit by repeating dialogue or using the wrong portrait.
Steam User 7
Here I would say the funni shark got me to know this game, but the truth is: it didn't.
Honestly, the game is kinda janky and can be pretty short for it's full price, but it's got great pixel art, and it shows the author really cares about it. With some effort, the next installments can be really good if done well, and I'm hopeful the author continues doing a good job, and does an even better one with the next part.
Also, I'm a sucker for a saturday morning anime plotline, and the story of the game is literally that, so props for that too.
Steam User 2
I can say I saw the passion of the person who created this. Really amazing sprite work and the game feel like a game boy advance game. Also the way the dev tried to make this as a children anime episode really is creative and nice, the moment I saw the opening on the trailer it made me think "I need to play this".
The only bad think i can say it's that the part 1 is way too short because is only episode 1. But since it's cheap, it's worth the price.
Steam User 1
Super Charming, everything about the story shows that passion was involved in the creation, the subtle interactions and animations the characters make while giving dialogue had me constantly grinning. The actual game play is a little clunky but it is far from being bad. The elemental mechanic adds a fun dynamic too. I had some issues getting my controller to work with it correctly but using steams controller tools in the end everything worked fine. I will be buying part 2 soon!