Speed Limit

Penny & Dime Edition update

Another really cool news from Gamechuck!

We have just released our second update for Speed Limit that features a brand-new Kiosk Mode, which is a faithful recreation of the arcade cabinet user experience, featuring integration with coin-operated arcade cabinets and their custom control boards.

Kiosk Mode launches today (August 25) on PC platforms (Steam, GOG, Humble Store).

Also, if you’re curious why there are two coin configurations, it’s because some arcade machines used to have multiple coin slots! So, you could set how many coins each one took and how much credit it gave you after you gave it enough coins.

Pretty cool, huh!

Additionally, you launch the Penny & Dime update via the Steam launcher (when you click on “Play”)

Hope you’ll enjoy the update!

关于游戏《Speed Limit》是一款毫无冷场,且横跨各种游戏类别的街机型动作游戏。这场满载怀旧游戏情怀的飨宴,不会有扫兴的过场或难解的谜题,让你彻底享受快节奏、挑战性十足,更令人上瘾的游戏体验!


这一刻先是紧张刺激的横向画面射击,下一秒变成俯瞰式的火爆赛车追逐,接下来又是类3D的空战戏码……《Speed Limit》总是会带给你意想不到的惊喜,不断变化的游戏类型和玩法,让你在摸熟玩法的同时立刻面临新的挑战。



  • 宛如云霄飞车一般多变的游戏体验,考验你神经反应的极限。
  • 可解锁的无限挑战模式
  • 一帧一帧以人力手绘的精美动画与美术
  • 支持话题新机Gamechuck Arcade的瞩目新作将于Steam登场!
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