Project Psycho


Project Psycho is a sandbox game that allows the player to simulate the most realistic deaths in videogames. It has one of the best physics systems on the marketplace.


Customization is one of the most important things in video games, and i know that, so the player will be able to customize himself with more than 100 accessories. As the game is still Work-In-Progress, the amount of customizable items will be expanded upon greatly in the future.


Ragdolls are one of the defining factors of a good game, and so in Project Psycho ragdolls will balance and grab their wounds, while preserving their life. Every time you kill a dummy, they will die differently.


Depending on where you shoot the body, Project Psycho will generate realistic, gritty and brutal gore in real time. The character can bleed out, staining surrounding walls and everything in the environment.


Every char has wheight to make the regdoll ultra realistic with similary weight to real life human body.

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