ANKIF – 将棋定跡暗記アプリ

  • ANKIF – 将棋定跡暗記アプリ Screenshot 1
  • ANKIF – 将棋定跡暗記アプリ Screenshot 3
  • ANKIF – 将棋定跡暗記アプリ Screenshot 5

How accurately do you remember your joseki?

With the development of AI, it is not so difficult to know the best move for each game. Therefore, it is obvious that the more best moves you know in advance, the more advantageous the game will be. However, no matter how much you think you “know” the best moves by analyzing them with AI, you may often forget them and cannot use them in actual games. It is not easy to memorize the best moves for a game that you do not know when it will appear next, and to make them your own.

Now is the time to make the best moves your own

But if possible, don’t you want to own the best moves you have taken the time to learn? Maybe you have created your own file of moves based on the AI’s best moves. You would like to memorize it all if possible. Or you may have a reluctant hope that one day you will be able to memorize a few of them while looking them over again and again.  It is useless just to store up joseki. Make as many joseki as possible your own.

Instant training with minimal preparation

First convert your joseki files to kifu files (e.g. with ShogiGUI).

(For example, if you have an sbk file created with ShogiGUI, you can convert it by selecting “Joseki” -> “Export” from the top menu of ShogiGUI).

) You can import the game record file by simply dragging and dropping it onto the application.

(All changes are automatically separated and imported as multiple single diagrams.)

Then just click “Memorization Challenge” button to start memorization training immediately. All you have to do is to recall the moves as they are in the imported game record. If you make a mistake, the move will be returned immediately, and if you don’t know the move, you can skip it. If you make the correct move, the game progresses. The final move also comes with an effect! Let’s enjoy memorizing the game like a game.

All the moves you have tried to memorize will be visualized with your score

You can graph the percentage of correct answers of the games you have tried to memorize with a single touch. You can also re-try with only the bad games with low percentage of correct answers.

Optimized app for memorizing moves

If you have to memorize all variations of a single move, you may think that you have to start all over again from the very first move in every move. But this is not true. Since the option to omit duplicated moves you have already experienced is automatically turned on, you can start memorizing from the branching move instead of from the first move after the second game (you can switch the option freely). The order of the game record can also be specified randomly, so you can train in a way that is closer to the actual game.

You can have the opponent’s moves played automatically

You can freely change the move settings of the game, for example, if you set up the game with the first move, you can have the CPU automatically play the second move (if you want to play all moves by yourself, you can switch it in the options).

What you will get in the end

Even if you memorize a hundred million moves, it is quite possible that you will not encounter the game you memorized in the actual game. If that happens, will all the time you spent memorizing be wasted in that game? No, not at all. If you memorize a hundred million excellent moves, you will always feel each and every one of them. So even if you encounter a move that deviates from the standard, you will be able to sense the move that is as close to the best as possible. The more solid the set of moves, the easier it will be to apply them. The more you are exposed to real moves, the better you will get.

Memorization Process

However, when you are first exposed to a new best move, it is important to take some time to think deeply about what the move means. Once you are convinced, you just have to put the moves together over and over again to get them into your body. This application is useful for that. If you are interested, please take advantage of it.

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